Ivory Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet is to get you started with the most common constructs in Ivory. Many constructs are not covered here; see the Ivory Haddock documentation (as well as the Ivory standard library) for the full language definition.

This cheatsheet is incomplete!


Values Types

  • Boolean: IBool
  • Char: IChar
  • Int types:
    • Signed: SX, where X is int8, int16, int32, int64
      • Example: Sint32
    • Unsigned: UX, where X is int8, int16, int32, int64
      • Example: Uint8
  • Float: IFloat
  • Double: IDouble
  • Void: (). In practice, void is only used as a return type for functions.

Note: there are no machine-dependent types in Ivory, like int, short int, long int.

Memory area types

A memory area is allocated that has a type.

  • Allocated value: Stored X, where X is a value type.
    • Example: Stored Uint32.
  • Arrays: Array n X, where n is a number and X is a memory area type
    • Example: Array 10 (Stored Sint32): array of 10 signed 32-bit integers.
  • Structs: Struct "name", where name is the string associated with the defined struct.
    • Example: Struct "foo"

Pointer Types

Scope type is the scope of a pointer. A scope is either Local if the memory area is allocated on the stack, Global if its allocated in global memory, or a type variable if you don’t care.

References are non-null pointers. You almost exclusively use references in ivory.


  • Ref Local (Stored Sint32): reference to a locally-allocated signed 32-bit int.
  • Ref Global (Struct "foo"): reference to a globally-allocated struct named "foo".

  • Ref s (Array 5 (Stored IBool): indeterminate allocation scope of an array of 5 Booleans.

Index Types

Indexes are used to index into an array and for loop counters. They have a special type, Ix n, where n is a natural number. An index type of Ix n supports the values 0 through n-1.

  • Example: Ix 3.

Initializer Types

Types of initializers for memory areas.

  • Init X, where X is a memory area type.
    • Example: Init (Array 3 (Stored IBool)): initializer type an array of three Booleans.


Used to initialize memory areas.

  • Basic values: ival.
    • Example: ival 3
    • Basic values can be initialized to a default value (0 for integer types) using izero.
  • Arrays: iarray [i0, i1, ..., in] for an array of length n. Each element must be an initializer corresponding to the type of the array, and the length of the list be correspond to the length of the array.
    • Example: iarray [ival 3, ival 4] is an initializer with type (or whatever integer type we wish to interpret 3 and 4.

      Init (Array 2 (Stored Uint32))
    • Arrays can be initialized to a default value using iarray []

  • Structs: assuming a struct is defined with the appropriate fields (see struct definitions), istruct [fname0 .= exp0, fname1 .= exp1, ...] is an initializer with type Init (Struct "Foo") for struct "Foo".
    • Example: istruct [field0 .= 3; field1 .= 4] which initializes the fields to 3 and 4, respectively. Fields can be partially initialized.
    • To initialize a struct with default values, use istruct [].

Struct Definitions

Structs are defined at the top level as follows. Foo is a fresh name for the struct, and field0, field1, … are fresh names for fields. The types of fields must be memory area types.

struct Foo
  { field0 :: Stored Uint32
  ; field1 :: Array 10 (Stored IBool)

For the definition above, the following is generated automatically:

  • The type Struct "Foo"
  • Field accessors field0 and field1

Note: there are no union types in Ivory.


  • Numbers: the usual numeric constants
  • Arithmetic: +, -, *
  • Division: /: only defined for IFloat and IDouble
  • Equality: ==?, /=? (not equals)
  • Numeric comparisons: >?, >=?, <?, <=?
  • Quotient: iDiv: like C’s / (truncation towards 0).
    • Example: iDiv (-3) 2 .== (-1)
  • Remainder: .%: like C’s %.
    • Example: (-3) .% (-2) .== -1
  • Boolean: true, false, .&&, .||, iNot
  • Bit operators: .&, .|, .^, iComplement, iShiftL, iShiftR
    • Example: 10 iShiftR 1 .== 5
  • Array dereference: arr ! exp, where arr is a reference to an array and exp is an Ivory expression. Returns a reference to an element of an array.
    • Example:

      x0 <- local (iarray [ival 1, ival 2])
       x <- deref (x0 ! 1)
  • Struct field indexing: ref ~> fieldName where ref is a reference to a struct and fieldName is a field of the struct (see struct definitions).
    • Example:

      ref <- local (istruct [field0 .= 3; field1 .= 4])
      f0  <- deref (ref ~> field0)
    • C:

      struct foo  = {field0 = 3; field1 = 4};
      struct foo *ref = &foo;
      uint32_t f0 = foo->field0;
  • Choice: exp0 ? (exp1, exp2), where exp_i is an Ivory expression.
    • Example: (a > b) ? (a, b)
    • C equivalent: (a > b) ? a : b


Statements appear in an Ivory do block.

There are two kinds of statements:

  • Binding statements: statements that bind a value to a fresh variable on the left-hand side of a <- operator. Assume that each left-hand variable shown is fresh. Example: x <- assign (3 - 4) (assign x the value 3-4).

  • Non-binding statements: statements that do not bind. Example: ret 4 (return 4).

In the following

For each statement, we give an example and an equivalent in C.

  • Assignment: x <- assign exp
    • Example: x <- assign (a + 3)
    • C: uint32_t x = a + b;
  • Local allocation: x <- local init
    • Example: x <- local (ival 3)
    • C:

      uint32_t x0 = 3;
      uint32_t *x = &x0;
    • Note: sometimes, Ivory can’t figure out the type of an initializer, so you have to give it explicitly. Example: x <- local (iarray [ival 3, ival 4] :: Init (Array 2 (Stored Uint32)))

  • Dereferencing a memory area: x <- deref ref.
    • Example:

      x0 <- local (init (ival 3))
      x  <- deref x0
    • C:

      uint32_t x0  = 3;
      uint32_t *x1 = &x0;
      uint32_t x   = *x1;
  • Storing into a memory area: store ref exp.
    • Example:

      ref <- local (ival 3)
      store ref 2
    • C:

      uint32_t x    = 3;
      uint32_t *ref = &x;
       *ref = 2;
  • Return: ret exp
    • Example: ret (a >=? 1)
    • C: return (a >= 1);
  • Return Void: retVoid
    • Example: retVoid
    • C: ret void;
  • Branching: ifte_ exp stmts0 stmts1, where stmts0, stmts1 are blocks of Ivory statements
    • Example:

      ifte_ (a > 2)
        (do x <- assign (a + 4)
        ret x)
        (ret (a + 3))
    • C:

      if (a > 2) {
        x = a + 4;
        return x;
      } else { return (a + 3); }
  • Loops: There three kinds of loops. Each one uses an index as the loop counter.
    • Counting up: (ix :: Ix 4) `for` \currIx -> stmts. Counts from 0 to n-1 for Ix n.
      • Example:

        (ix :: Ix 4) `for` \currIx -> $ do
          x <- deref ref
          store ref (x+1)
      • C:

        for (int currIx = 0; currIx <= 3; currIx++) {
          *ref = *ref + 1;
    • Counting down: (ix :: Ix 5) `times` \currIx -> stmts. Counts from n-1 to 0 for Ix n.
      • Example:

        (ix :: Ix 4) `times` \currIx -> $ do
          x <- deref ref
          store ref (x+1)
      • C:

        for (int currIx = 3; currIx >= 0; currIx--) {
          *ref = *ref + 1;
      • C:
    • Map over an array: arrayMap $ \currIx -> stmts
      • Example:

        arrayMap $ \ix -> do
          x <- deref (arr ! ix)
          store (arr ! ix) (x+1)
      • C: assuming the number of elements in the array is given by len,

        for (int ix = 0; ix < len; ix++) {
          arr[ix] = arr[ix] + 1
  • Assertions: assert exp
    • Example: assert (a > b)
    • C: assert(a > b);
  • Function calls: x <- call func exp0 exp1 ... expn. See function definitions below for how to define a function.
    • Example: `x <- call foo 3 (a + 2)
    • C: int32_t x = foo(3, a+2);
    • Note: if you want to ignore the return value, use call_.


Ivory programs are encapsulated in functions.

Function Types

A function type has the form Def ('[ArgsTypes] :-> RetType) where ArgTypes are the types of the arguments and RetType is the return type.


fun0 :: Def ('[] :-> ())
fun1 :: Def ('[Uint32] :-> IBool)
fun2 :: Def ('[Ref s (Stored Uint32), IBool] :-> IBool)

Function Implementations

Function definitions take a string that will become the name of the function in the compiled C (it is good practice to make this string the same as the Haskell name). Then

func0 :: Def ('[Uint32] :-> Uint32)
func0 = proc "func0" $ \arg0 -> body $ do
  ret (arg0 + 2)

compiles to

uint32_t func0(uint32_t arg0) {
  return (arg0 + 2);
func1 :: Def ('[] :-> Uint32)
func1 = proc "func1" $ body $ do
  ret 2

compiles to

uint32_t func1(void) {
  return 2;
func2 :: Def ('[Ref s (Stored Uint32), Uint32] :-> ())
func2 = proc "func2" $ \ref val -> body $ do
  store ref val

compiles to

uint32_t func2(uint32_t *ref, uint32_t val) {
  *ref = val;


Functions and structures must be placed in a module to be compiled. The following module contains a function called foo and a structure with type Struct "Bar":

aModule :: Module
aModule = package "MyPackage" $ do
  incl foo
  defStruct (Proxy :: Proxy "Bar")


The Ivory compiler is called by calling compile [m0, m1, ... mn], where m_i are modules.

Assuming you are using GHCi (GHC interpreter), you can set arguments to the compiler by running

> :set args ... args ...

To get the list of arguments accepted, run

> :set args --help
> compile []

To run the compiler on module myModule with division-by-zero and integer-overflow checking, run

> :set args --div-zero --overflow
> compile [myModule]

Ivory Source Files

At the top of your Haskell file in which you are writing Ivory, place the following:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}